Published On: April 4, 2022Categories: General

Medical technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), has the potential to revolutionize how healthcare is provided. It can contribute to advances in quality care, patient satisfaction, and access to healthcare, among other things.

It can boost the productivity and efficiency of care delivery, allowing healthcare systems to give more and better treatment to a more significant number of patients.

AI may improve healthcare practitioners’ experience; people spend more time providing direct care and lowering burnout. 

AI for administrative tasks  

The administration is taking up a growing amount of time for health care physicians and their employees, and there is little awareness of job patterns to guide resource allocation.

Historically, it has been challenging to acquire meaningful information on activities accomplished in healthcare settings.

Although specific task management capabilities in EHR systems have advanced, it has the widespread use of technology as a service-based work management system. It will create more data on jobs and their patterns across people and time.

The increased availability of data allows for the use of sophisticated algorithms for learning and optimizing workflows and systems, with the ultimate objective of decreasing the administrative load on health care practitioners and organizations.

This document proposes a paradigm for improving knowledge of administrative tasks and task completion networks and intending to eventually lower administrative job stress via artificial intelligence (AI) to learn and enhance system behavior over time.

AI for diagnostics

In medical imaging, artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant advances. Based on the findings of recent studies, the application of artificial intelligence may be able to facilitate early illness diagnosis while also improving workflows by speeding cognitive load and automatically selecting critical situations.

Artificial intelligence can examine large amounts of medical photographs and rapidly and frequently discover patterns, even changes that people cannot detect. As a result, it will improve health satisfaction and save money; for example, early identification and treatment of certain cancers may result in a 50 percent reduction in treatment costs.

There is potential for artificial intelligence systems to assist in diagnosing illness based on medical imaging across a wide range of disease areas.

It increases the enormous potential of artificial intelligence to assist clinical judgments in time-critical circumstances or when a shortage of expert knowledge is accessible, such as in foreign or underfunded medical institutions.

AI for telemedicine   

Healthcare providers move toward expanding virtual care options all across the care continuum. Artificial intelligence in Telehealth to facilitate physicians to make real-time, rich, data-driven decisions is becoming increasingly crucial in building a better patient journey and better patient outcomes.

The MIT found that 75 percent of healthcare organizations that used artificial intelligence recognized an enhanced capacity to cure ailments. In addition, four out of five stated it proactively helped prevent worker fatigue.

Considering that the implementation of Covid-19 will place a rising demand on both sectors (amount of clinical information and related patients and growth in the workload for physicians), artificial intelligence in Telehealth is a potent option for the future of care delivery.

AI for personalized care      

Clinical researchers have been able to examine individual patients and their diseases in previously impossible ways due to the availability of a massive dataset containing genetic information and electronic health records such as medical history and allergies.

They can now use machine learning to spot trends, patterns, and anomalies in data, which can then use to assist professionals in making more informed judgments in the future.

It is where artificial intelligence comes into its own. It can deliver significant advantages in addressing the four primary issues that healthcare practitioners confront when dealing with large amounts of data: velocity, volume, diversity, and validity.

The advantages are self-evident. Pharmaceutical businesses can gather, store, and analyze enormous data sets faster than with human methods because of artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. It allows them to do research more quickly, based on genetic variation data collected from many patients, and create targeted medicines more quickly.

Besides that, it offers a better picture of how small and particular patient groups with certain common traits respond to therapies, allowing researchers to more accurately map the appropriate volumes and dosages of medicines to administer to individual patients.

Consequently, professionals can give the highest possible degree of patient care. Of course, we would want to prevent sickness from occurring in an ideal world. However, we now have more knowledge in our hands-on why, how, and in which individuals’ illnesses arise. As a result, we can implement preventive measures and therapies much earlier, occasionally even before a patient manifests symptoms.

AI for treatment and management of chronic conditions

Health-related chronic illnesses are the most significant cause of mortality and disability in the United States. They are also a significant contributor to its $3.5 trillion in yearly healthcare spending.

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and renal disease significantly impact healthcare costs and patient outcomes, prompting healthcare practitioners to prioritize regular illness treatment and prevention as the top priority.

Management and prevention of chronic illnesses in patient populations, on the other hand, is a time-consuming and challenging endeavor. Chronic diseases are characterized by a wide range of characteristics that vary from patient to patient, including the development and management of the condition.

According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, patients’ electronic health records (EHRs) and machine learning were used to predict diabetes and heart disease hospitalizations. Using this prediction approach, the researchers discovered that they could anticipate hospitalizations up to a year in advance, with up to 82 percent accuracy.

Capabilities for forecasting outcomes based on electronic health records and real-time health data, including information from wearable, implanted medical devices, and home-based networked diagnostic devices.

Evidence suggests that it is feasible to construct machine learning algorithms to identify people who are more likely to acquire chronic illnesses. These algorithms may be used by a healthcare professional to allow early interventions and individualized therapies for individuals at high risk.

The hope is that artificial intelligence would enable the healthcare sector to shift from reactive to proactive care delivery, resulting in more tailored treatments.

Conclusion: It’s not a replacement for doctors—it’s a tool for them to use.

The fear-mongering around artificial intelligence should not be taken in by the medical community. Despite widespread automation and digitalization, humans will always be required for specific tasks. Moreover, according to a new study, robots and artificial intelligence could increase employment and higher wages in some instances.

However, there is still apprehension about technology, as seen by challenges ranging from artificial intelligence taking the position of radiologists to robots exceeding surgeons’ abilities to employment in the pharmaceutical industry.

These are the cases:

  • There is no substitute for empathy
  • Physicians don’t operate in a linear fashion
  • There is a need for highly-trained digital technology experts
  • Robots and algorithms will never be able to do all of the things that humans can
  • There has never been a tech vs. human conflict in our world

