A toxicology test examines your blood, urine, hair, sweat, and saliva for evidence of substances you may have ingested. You may be required to be tested due to a policy at your employment or education. Your doctor may also order a toxicological test to assist you in receiving treatment for drug misuse or maintain your recovery.
How does it work?
A toxicological test will not reveal whether or not you have an abuse problem. It also has no way of determining how much or when you’ve taken a particular medicine. However, it can only determine whether or not particular substances are present (or have lately been present) in your body. Whether you inhale, shoot, or eat them, legal and illicit drugs leave traces in your body for an extended period.
Traces of opiates may still be found in your urine many days after taking them. As a result, the effects of marijuana might continue for up to three weeks.
A toxicological test may be used to check for the following things:
- Amphetamines
- Barbiturates
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Marijuana
- Opiates
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Drugs banned from competitive sports
What is the purpose of a toxicology test?
There are various reasons you could be required to submit to a drug test. It might be required by your new employer, school, or insurance coverage. Many sports programs require participants to have one as a condition of participation.
For any of the following symptoms, your doctor may request this test:
- In the process of getting help for drug addiction
- Indicate that you are abusing substances
- Possess mental health issues
- Have been using a controlled substance for an extended length of time
How is the test done?
In most cases, a sample of blood or urine would be collected and analyzed. Blood will be extracted from a vein (intravenously), or you will be asked to urinate into a cup, depending on your preference. After that, the sample will be examined at a laboratory. Instead of blood or urine, other substances such as sweat, a strand of hair, or saliva from your mouth may be utilized.
In severe circumstances, additional bodily fluids may be tested for contamination. If you have your stomach pumped in the medical center, a sample of the contents of your gut may be taken and analyzed. Ensure the doctor is aware of any medications you’ve taken in the last few days before your test. Ensure to include over-the-counter medications and supplements. Some of them may appear in your system the same way other drugs do, resulting in a “false positive” on your test. Your toxicology test results should be available between 24 to 48 hours, depending on your test.
What are the implications of the findings?
Your test will come to return with any of 2 results:
- Positive:
A trace of one or more substances was discovered in your sample. If this occurs, another test is done to confirm the finding. This second test is more exact and can determine the kind of substance.
- Negative:
No drugs were identified in your system. It might be because you’ve never taken the sorts of medicines they test and searched for, or your body has already metabolized them.
Some items say they can help you clear a drug test, but there’s no evidence any of them work. If you know that you’re going to be asked to undergo a toxicological test, your best chance is not to consume drugs. However, if you use them, your doctor may offer you guidance on quitting.